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Fuentes, Terese

Email: terese.fuentes@spps.org

Phone: 651-774-6440

Qualifications: MA, Concordia University BS, University of St. Catherine

Ms. Terese Fuentes

My name is Terese Fuentes and I am the Science teacher here at Wellstone Elementary. I have been teaching in St. Paul Public Schools for many years, and I have found my niche here in the Science department at Wellstone! My other interests include hanging out with family, traveling, theater, and exploring nature. With my love of a healthy, clean Earth, I wanted to bring that into my science classroom. I am currently on phase two of creating STEM projects around biology and life cycles with our aquaponics engineering system set up in the Discovery Zone. I am looking forward to a great year.


MN maps and state energy statistics


University of MN Extension
