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Schow, Jean

Email: jean.schow@spps.org

Ms. Jean Schow

My name is Jean Schow and I am the PreK science teacher at Wellstone. I have an Early Childhood degree from the University of Minnesota, and have taught in both Utah and Minnesota for over 30 years. For the last 16 years, I have loved my time at Wellstone teaching science to our Pre-K students.

Students come to science every day and learn to observe and talk about the world around us. We learn about weather and seasons, how people and animals adapt according to seasonal changes; and about the life cycle of butterflies, other insects, chickens, and plants. We learn healthy habits, how our body works, and explore many aspects of engineering. We do all of this through play, language, reading, math, and hands-on exploration.

I live with my husband and dog, and have two grown daughters and one charming granddaughter. I love to garden on our small farm and to be outside whenever I can. I enjoy canoeing, swimming, and walking and hiking just about anywhere.